Monday, May 16, 2016

Goodbye to Castle

Hello friends!

Yes, it's been a while since my last blog post, but today is a sad day in my world. Today is the finale of one of my favourite shows ever, Castle. The finale finale (or series finale, but Richard Castle would appreciate my dramatic nature).

Unlike Buffy and American Idol, Castle (named after the title character Richard Castle) was a show that my whole family connected with and loved. My Dad and I would watch marathons together, my London-based sister and I text constantly about it. Even my 90-year-old grandmother was a fan. I wish I could put my finger on what made Castle so special for all of us. I think it was a combination of amazing characters, great acting, magic chemistry and fantastic writing. My sister and I loved Castle’s boyish wonder and excitement of everything and Beckett’s bad ass-ness. And the layers that all the rest of the cast brought.

Castle's original premise was about a mystery writer who teamed with the NYPD to solve a string of crimes based on his books. It was part procedural, part comedy, part serialized drama but always a fun, great show. It was on the pulse of pop-culture with episodes themed around other popular shows like Dancing with the Stars and SNL. One of my favorite episodes is when Castle channels Die Hard’s Holly McClane in a bank hostage situation. And of course when Castle and Beckett finally get together. It seemed like the perfect amount of will they or won’t they intrigue. And even though they’re not real, I’ll always aspire to have a Castle and Beckett type of love in any relationship.

A month ago it was announced that Stana Katic, who plays Beckett, wouldn’t be returning if there was a season nine. Along with whip-smart medical examiner Tamala Jones who plays Lanie. I couldn’t imagine living in a world where there was a Castle and no Beckett (and Lanie). So along with most of the Castle fandom, I was wishing for season eight to be the last. And I’m grateful for ABC for listening (if this did at all factor in to their decision). But in saying that, I still would have supported the show in every way I could if there was a season nine. I even tracked them down this season when they were on location and met Nathan, Seamus and Jon who were all so amazing and even better looking in person.

So why am I so sad when this is what I asked for? I think partly because of the notice I was given. It was announced on Thursday (when I was on the tarmac about to fly back to LA nonetheless!) that Castle is ending. Four days later it’s the finale. I also really wish ABC had given the creative team the notice them and the fans deserve incase they wanted to end anything differently with this being the final season. I know they did shoot an alternate ending though, which is what we’ll be seeing tonight. I’ve taken for granted all the year’s I’ve heard “and now, ABC’s Castle” on a Monday night and the happiness that’s brought to my life.

But tonight I must say goodbye to Castle and to people who feel like friends to me. But will treasure the memories. Always.

P.S. If you haven’t watched Castle and start watching it from the start, please let me know so I can live vicariously through you.

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